The Future of Livestock Feed is Here

Our innovative hydroponic PastureBox system can produce up to 2,000 lbs. of fresh sprouted feed everyday.


Why PastureBox?

Farmers who incorporate sprouted fodder enjoy the benefits while avoiding the growing issues in agriculture.

  • Reliable Feed Production

    Insects, climate, soil, fertilizer, pesticides—these are just some of the variables in play in traditional agriculture, and issues with any of them can diminish crop yield and decrease income.

    With the PastureBox, crop yield is consistent and reliable 365 days a year. 

  • Decreased Operating Costs

    According to the USDA, operation costs for equipment, fuel, labor, livestock and more are on the rise in agriculture.

    Incoorporating a PastureBox into your operation could cut some of those costs instead. 

  • Vertical, High-Producing Space

    With development consuming nearly 2,000 acres daily in the US, there is less and less land for growing crops and grazing livestock, forcing farmers to cut their stock.

    The PastureBox can produce up to 2,000 pounds of fodder per day without the need for large growing fields and grazing land.

  • Minimal Water Requirements

    Droughts across the country are driving up water restrictions on farmers, meaning that grazing pastures will be left to dry up while hay prices skyrocket.

    The PastureBox operates on up to 90% less water than a typical field of conventional feed, meaning producers can continue sustaining their herds even in the face of intense drought.

What is PastureBox?

The PastureBox is a self-contained, fully-automated system that can produce up to 2000 pounds of premium livestock feed daily. The PastureBox is a premium feed producer that easily maintains consistent, high-quality, live feed day in and day out. Harvest up to 2,000 pounds of prime feed per day and either feed your livestock on an as-fed basis, or mixed with your ration of choice.

  • Fully Automated

    The 6-day process begins at the touchscreen controller which allows a user to determine the seed depth, frequency and duration of irrigation, as well as the temperature inside the box. These variables can be adjusted to achieve the optimal growing conditions.

  • Irrigation System

    The irrigation system provides even coverage of water to each tray. Once finished, the excess water is drained back to the holding tank where it is filtered and treated before being recycled for the next irrigation period.

  • Fresh Feed Daily

    The 600 lb. capacity hopper automatically drops the desired amount of seed into the trays, evenly spread for a tight root mat where each trays begins its journey along a serpentine path.

  • UV Light

    The Pasturebox system utilizes LED UV lighting to supercharge the growth process. UV light helps to stimulate early growth and provides a healthy green color to the sprouted seed.

The PastureBox is a self-contained, fully-automated system that can produce up to 2000 pounds of premium livestock feed daily.

From Seed to Feed in 6 Days

Save dozens of labor hours and thousands of gallons in fuel, water and fertilizer.
55 Acres

Each Pasturebox can replace up to 55 acres of alfalfa with no loss in feed quality.

-90% Gallons

Save a lot of water per day. That’s less water usage than an average pivot in a season.

0% Harm

No pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. All the feed you need in only 3 ingredients.

2K Pounds

The Pasturebox can produce 2,000 pounds per day of premium feed year-round

PastureBox - Think Inside the Box

Check out our video to so see how Pasturebox is revolutionizing the farming industry.


Hear what our customers have to say about Renaissance Ag.

We’ve fed fodder to our dairy goats for almost 10 years now and have loved the results. We’ve experienced healthier goats, increased milk quality, and found that feeding fodder was more cost effective than feeding grain. The ability to provide a year-round grass-fed product to our customers has given us a competitive advantage in the marketplace, as well.