What is PastureBox?
The PastureBox is a self-contained, fully-automated system that can produce up to 2000 pounds of premium livestock feed daily. The PastureBox is a premium feed producer that easily maintains consistent, high-quality, live feed day in and day out. Harvest up to 2,000 pounds of prime feed per day and either feed your livestock on an as-fed basis, or mixed with your ration of choice.

Fully Automated
The 6-day process begins at the touchscreen controller which allows a user to determine the seed depth, frequency and duration of irrigation, as well as the temperature inside the box. These variables can be adjusted to achieve the optimal growing conditions.
Irrigation System
The irrigation system provides even coverage of water to each tray. Once finished, the excess water is drained back to the holding tank where it is filtered and treated before being recycled for the next irrigation period.
Fresh Feed Daily
The 600 lb. capacity hopper automatically drops the desired amount of seed into the trays, evenly spread for a tight root mat where each trays begins its journey along a serpentine path.
UV Light
The Pasturebox system utilizes LED UV lighting to supercharge the growth process. UV light helps to stimulate early growth and provides a healthy green color to the sprouted seed.

From Seed to Feed in 6 Days
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